Our guest theorist is at it again. His mind has been working hard. I'm so proud of home-grown paranoia. This week he exposes Big Wind for what it is:
"European wind power producers are calling for billions of Euros (dollars) in investments to generate energy from wind turbines planted in the sea.
The European Union is aiming to generate a fifth of all its energy from renewable sources by 2020 to lessen reliance on imported oil and gas and meet climate change goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
What they don’t tell you is that the “European Union” is actually part of the secret society of the Illuminati also known as the New World Order. Think about it – wind turbines are triangles, triangles have 3 sides, the symbol of the illuminati is the triangle with the all Seeing Eye in the middle (am I the only one that finds this rather peculiar?). If you look closely at a wind turbine you’ll see an all seeing eye in the middle of each one. Oh they tell you that it’s just a giant cap that is purely cosmetic to cover up a giant screw that holds the turbine together but that’s what they want you to believe. It’s really an electronic eye monitoring the wind cycle and it adjusts the wind turbine as needed for their diabolical purposes.
The face of evil.
While these turbines may create energy from the wind what they are really doing is causing a shift change in the wind patterns. They blow the cool air away and the power that is generated is sent to underground storage heaters that are heating up the west coast. Why the west coast you ask? What better way to take over the United States than to start with California. After all Hollywood is in California and they set the standard for the rest of the country to follow. If Hollywood actors and actresses start leaving California at record paces then the general population is sure to follow.
Years ago Oprah pledged to not eat beef and the beef industry suffered catastrophic losses. Just think what would happen if Hollywood A listers such as Johnny Depp, Justin Timberlake, and Janeane Garofalo sold their homes and headed east. And it has already begun - Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have moved to New Orleans. New Orleans, the site of Hurricane Katrina. They would rather fight off alligators and giant misquotes in muggy weather than deal with California’s increasingly hot weather and lack of rain (which by the way is also caused by the wind turbines pushing away rain clouds so the local water companies can raise their already exorbitant high rates. That’s a different CTT report though to come at a later time).
I urge you my fellow Americans; don’t give in to the lies of the Europeans who are secretly trying to take over our country state by state. If you read my last story on "Go Green – Recycled Aluminum Foil" you will know that that we are under an attack by these so called Environmentalists who are really money hungry capitalist pigs who do not want a greener Earth but greener pockets along with total global control of each and every individual on the planet!