I think it's time for a...THESIS STATEMENT.
Behind the scenes of the U.S. Government is a secret cabal bent on making fairy tales and mythology a reality to the taxpayers.
Stay with me; let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
"Oh great wise one, this is Dubya. Ya really boned up this economic thingy. But Dick says yer big and made of rock, so we should trust ya. So I still love ya. Hey Barack, quit spankin' GM's CEO and come check out this big bird."
We'll start this off with something new to CTT: an actual, well-documented, widespread conspiracy theory. Bohemian Grove in Northern California has long been a retreat for the global elite. The local free press claims, "The membership list has included every Republican U.S. president (as well as some Democrats) since 1923, many cabinet officials, and director; & CEO's of large corporations, including major financial institutions."
It remained quite secretive, but pictures and video have leaked showing every sort of vice imaginable, including worship of (and sacrifice to) a giant owl.

This isn't evidence the crazies in Washington (and Cairo, Hong Kong, London...) are trying to make US live in a fairytale, is it?
The most well known cause of the economic meltdown was overspending by consumers on their houses, and the lack of any business or Government intervention to schwack those consumers on the hand and say, "Live within your means!" So it would stand to reason since we've all learned our lesson, at least we wouldn't be making the same mistakes.
Anecdotal evidence abounds with RECENT (the past month) examples of consumers being approved for FHA mortgage loans with payments at 55% of their gross income. Conventional wisdom exerts that no more than 30% of your NET income should be spent on your house payment. Apparently giant owl wisdom is still at the helm of our Government-run 'free' market.
Why on earth would the Government want their citizens to spend all of their money on their houses? Once they make us buy expensive houses, pay for illegal immigrant health care, and fund Government takeovers of business; how will we eat?!
Given its stance on our finances, and the push towards 'sustainable' building materials, the answer is clear. We're supposed to eat our houses.
REVISED THESIS STATEMENT: Behind the scenes of the U.S. Government is a secret cabal bent on making fairy tales and mythology a reality to the taxpayers; more specifically, taxpayers are being forced to live in gingerbread houses.
Need proof? Check out this latest housing development in the outskirts of Denver.
Next Week: NASA Nymphs vs. Lunar Lycanthropes
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