It appears that thanks to caution after caution after caution that I have delivered to the masses, someone's getting the hint. And the hint is: Facebook is an evil juggernaut that demands our fear!
"Nearly a year ago...the site had just signed up its 150 millionth member, [and] Facebook's growth rate has actually accelerated during the past year. In September, it announced that it had reached 300 million members, and this week, it passed 350 million."
"It's likely that Twitter has fewer members than the number of people who play the Facebook game FarmVille (69 million!)"
Not only is the site growing too rapidly for us to keep up, assimilating members into its collective much like the Borg, it seems to be trying to destroy its rival while forcing the human race to revert to a Dark Ages agrarian economy. Don't play FarmVille, people! It's not real! Log off and fight back! My friend's cousin recently holed herself up in the guest bedroom over Thanksgiving break because her virtual bell peppers would wilt if she didn't tend them...that's evil!
"But it isn't just that Facebook is racking up a lot of members. With Facebook Connect, the company is expanding its footprint beyond, spidering into every far-flung corner online."
Great, it's like a virus...or yeast.
On Wednesday, Yahoo announced that it would integrate Facebook Connect with all of its services.
And like a true parasite, all it needs is a warm body to host it...although I didn't even think Yahoo was even warm still.
"This huge partnership will bring Facebook closer to becoming what has long been a holy grail in the Web business—a kind of universal sign-on service, the one place that stores the world's social information."
Um, Holy Grail? I think they got their wires crossed. There's nothing holy about this alliance. In fact, the opposite.
"Perhaps one day not long from now, everything on the Web will be a mere extension of Facebook."
And with more and more commerce moving online, this starts getting chilling. Ah yes, a ubiquitous obligatory trade requirement...where have I heard of this before?

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