A swirling halo effect was seen over Oslo, Norway on December 9, 2009, around the time President Obama was accepting his Nobel Peace Prize for wanting Peace. (Man, that guy is such a strong HOPE proponent that he doesn't even have to DO anything to succeed.)
Russian Missile? Space Aliens? Anti-Star of Anti-Bethlehem?
Some of the comments got me to thinking, specifically these:
earl223: "Its a rocket. The Russian were doing some test from a nuclear submarine in the White Sea and apparently a Bulava missile failed to launch properly."
FlourideHead: "Rocket, my arse! When did a rocket last make a huge 'rotating' perfectly symetrical spiral in the sky? Looks to me like classic ionization of the atmosphere using RF energy. Possibly a climate-change (secret) experiment beamed from the ground. Not very secret if you can see it from miles around!"
You tell him, FlourideHead! Let's think about this for a second.
What's an equal distance from Oslo as Russia? Geneva, Switzerland.
What's in Geneva Switzerland? The Large Hadron Collider (translated: Black Hole emitting doomsday device).
If they're equidistant, they're equi-probable. This all happened during a worldwide convention to determine international laws, just like happened in Geneva in the 1940s!
But can the Collider actually cause black holes? Let's check in with Revelation13.net, my favorite source:
"See my page on the danger of the CERN LHC particle accelerator in France becoming a Black Hole Doomsday Machine that may cause the December 2012 destruction of earth, and myvideo on it. There is a Nostradamus prophecy on this possibility. The CERN LHC was turned on again in November 2009, but it will be early 2010 before the more dangerous high energy collisions are done that could create Black Holes. You are going to hear statements like: "We turned it on and earth was not destroyed so this proves the LHC is safe". But the high energy collisions that could produce Black Holes won't be done until 2010. And if a Black Hole is created and goes to the center of the earth, there may be no sign of it for a year or two, until it gets large enough to start causing giant earthquakes and volcanoes, possibly eating earth from the inside on December 21 2012."
So it's not a sign that Obama is the Antichrist?
"And the election of President Barack Obama brings Hope to the world in a time of great economic crisis. I think the election of President Obama is part of a trend discussed on this page, where Hope for the world comes from the Southern Hemisphere."
Oh, ok then.
""Note that Kenya is on the equator, where the Southern Hemisphere begins. This is related to the 1987 Southern Hemisphere Supernova, which resulted in a wave of positive change in the Southern Hemisphere, with Democracy coming to South America and positive change in South Africa."
That's more than I need, thanks.
"President Obama brings Hope and new ideas, which this country and the world needs now."
Ok, seriously, stop.
"Turning around the U.S. economy will take time--"
I'm closing my browser right now.
"--since President Obama has inherited a wrecked U.S. economy--"
"--with the national debt gone out of control--"
"But personally I am very hopeful and encouraged, on President Obama's new ideas."
I'll take that as a 'no.'
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