“Critics argue the F-22 is too costly and irrelevant to the wars of today. They note that it hasn't flown a single mission in
The F-22 doesn’t need to fly in
Aside from hating freedom and wanting us all dead, why would The Big O seek to get rid of such a sleek, sexy piece of destruction?
“Obama promised in his address to Congress to reform our defense budget so that we're not paying for Cold War-era weapons systems we don't use."
Oh, he was talking about the F-22? I thought that was reference to shoe phones and watch lasers.
There has to be something else at play. While doing my research, I found an odd phenomenon. Evidence of a mythologically large bird referred to by fellow theorists as The Thunderbird has gone missing. On par with Big Foot and Nessie for creepiness and mystery, The Thunderbird was a large bird believed to be a pterodactyl or similar creature.
An account exists about French workmen encountering one in 1856: “In the half-light of the tunnel, something monstrous stumbled toward the out of a great boulder of Jurassic limestone they had just split open. It fluttered its wings, croaked, and died at their feet.”
Pictures abound from the 1850s and 1860s of huge birds held up by men, lying at the feet of Civil War soldiers, and the like.

The most iconic picture, revered as proof of the creatures’ existence, has vanished! Now the underground is searching for the proof, and asking for help:
"At this point there are almost 20 members of ATS who have memories of seeing this image...If it's not real, why do so many people remember seeing it?...If you are reading this, please feel free to help aid in the search and to contribute any opinions, theories, and ESPECIALLY MEMORIES!!!!"

Theories abound as to how the pics could disappear…here’s my favorite:
“The theory that "some force" could have removed all evidence of any of these cryptids from the Internet may be believable. I'm sure somewhere on the planet there is someone gifted enough to remove something in its entirety from the Internet.
That force: Audacious Hope. The President wants to rid any evidence of his link to prehistoric bird creatures, especially the F-22 Raptor!
What’s Obama’s link to giant mythological birds? Why would he want to cover it up? Leave your theories in the COMMENTS section below. One lucky theories will win a copy of The Little Book of Conspiracies, delivered to you!
PS: Kudos to B for being the 13th follower of CTT! Such a [un]lucky position in the enlightened culture we have going here. Much will be required of you very soon...
OBAMA to Can the F-22
Thunderbird Pic Search - ATS
Thunderbird Pic Search - Cryptomundo
Mothergoose's Theory: Just as the Sith removed the star system Kamino in Episode II, so will Obama remove the F-22. Why, you ask? Like the the Sith, Obama will use the F-22 and its prior likenesses for his own purposes. His plan is to hybridize the F-22 and the pterodactyl into a "dinobot." Much like the T800. The aforementioned "dinobot" will be sold to Islamic fundamentalists and ACORN to carry out das[bas]tardly deeds. Where is John Conner when you really need him?
ReplyDeleteThe link between Obama, the ‘destruction’ of the F-22 Raptor and the removal of The Thunderbird history is quite simple actually. If you dig a little deeper into The Thunderbird Legend, you’ll find that they are shape-shifting beings (they can easily shift into human form). Obama will use these intelligent, powerful and wrathful humanoids to infiltrate the human race, deploying them throughout the major cities of the world. They will pose as the contractors hired to ‘disassemble’ the F-22 Raptors. At the right moment, Obama will unleash The Thunderbirds on the world, using their ability to create thunderstorms to disguise the launch of the Raptors (retrofitted with WMD’s), bringing the world to its knees. As America being the only country left standing, Obama will become the ruler of the world, following in the dreams of his Idol.