(Sung to the tune of London Bridge)
The economy is falling down, falling down, falling down.
The economy is falling down, there goes freedom.
Yeah, that's not news, I know. But it seems like everyone is trying to bring capitalism down.
First Michael Moore (dude, standing in line for three days for a loaf of bread is not the only way to lose weight. Instead of trying to bring capitalism to an end, why don't you just follow Jared's lead?)
Then gift cards (retailers are taking away your power, America! It's not a free market if I have to spend those $25 in one place, especially if it's on the Apple's socialist iTunes.)
Now off the shelf software.
Buckle in, here we go.
First off, do you remember when it was reported that the 9/11 terror attackers learned how to fly with Microsoft's Flight Simulator?
It's happening again.
FoxNews reported today, "$26 off-the-shelf software is used to breach key weapons in Iraq, senior defense and intelligence officials said."
So that jihad-pop you bought from the terrorist ice cream man in November (only terrorist ice cream men drive around in November) for $5 funded nearly one-fifth the software purchase used to hack Predator drones and save terrorist lives. Next time go to Cold Stone.
Seriously, though, it took a little piece of commercially available software for terrorists to look through the eyes of U.S. drones and predict where they were headed, thus alerting enemies to get the F&#$ out of Dodge so they would live to die up another day. "Hey, you don't blow up my brother, only my cell phone remote detonating device gets to blow my brother up."
What do you think that means? Well, surely the U.S. Government will pucker up and create a new agency to police software sales. Now your son, the intraverted aspiring software developer, will have a Fed so far up his butt while he's programming Grand Theft Auto 9: Stories from Podunk Junction, the Ballad of John Boy, he'll just give up on the project due to lack of creative freedom. And without creative freedom at work, he might as well go to a Government job (probably at the agency overseeing his jerk of a boss so he can get back at him). And pretty soon all the jobs get insourced by the burgeoning Government until there aren't any corporations, just one big company: The United States of America.
How do we combat this? Like true Americans, by sitting around playing PS3. Besides, it'll probably all work out, right? Capitalism forever!